What Are Some Innovative Ways to Decorate Your Office with Indoor Plants?


If your office needs a fresh environment, indoor plants can make a huge impact. A few potted plants add a fascinating appeal to your office and make it refreshing for your workforce. You have a lot of options, even if your space has little or no source of natural light. Indoor office plants can thrive in any conditions.

But, with a little planning, you can make them an outstanding feature in your office. Here are the tricks that work.

Focus on the Concept

Once you plan to use indoor plants, you have to decide a concept for the design. From nature-mimicking features to tranquil settings, your options are unlimited. You can create a relaxing space where your employees can take a break from their chaotic schedules.

Most importantly, indoor plants are the living art pieces to give an identity to your space and create a peaceful environment. So, you can take inspiration from contemporary office designs that feature indoor plants in the right places.

Utilise the Vertical Spaces

Even if you lack space in your office, you can enjoy the perks of indoor plants. Vertical planting can solve this purpose. You can utilise the vertical spaces on your plant hangers or shelves to complement the books, awards, or picture frames adorning the walls.

Plants like Bird’s Nest Fern, Golden Pothos, Red Prayer Plant, and Philodendron Heartleaf can be the best vertical gardening options in your office building.

Make the Most of Desk Plants

If you are searching for indoor office plants that can filter toxins and suit the spaces with no airflow, small desk plants are your safest bet. You can add texture, character, and a lot of depth to your desk by choosing plants of varying sizes.

While Parlour Palm, Cutlass Aglaonema, and Kimberly Queen Fern are perfect for medium-sized desk spaces, you can choose Spider Plant, Viper’s Bowstring Hemp, and Hedgehog Aloe for smaller desks.

Don’t Ignore the Floor Space

If you need large planters and containers with lots of greens in your office, make a statement with indoor floor plants. You can create an office jungle with proper settings of upright and architectural choices like Sansevieria, add layers with ZZ plant, create a tropical theme with Monstera, or design a delicate space with Dracaena Open Weave.

Add Some Colour

Plant styling usually has the simplicity and uniformity of the green colour to create natural environments. You can add some bright colours to the mix or bring outdoor elements into your workspace to create a cheery vibe.

Blend with Existing Settings

If you have some artefacts, paintings, or mementos in your office, you should create a plant design that blends with these elements. It should grab the attention of your clients and visitors with an eclectic mix of colour and styles. Tap into your inner instincts and creativity to design your office space using the indoor plants.

Since you spend a lot of your time at your desk and office space, adding plants can improve the air quality and uplift your mood even after a chaotic day. Work on these tricks and designs to decorate your workplace today!

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